XML, the Perl Way

Typically Perl

Typically Perl


Perl Poetry

PO Perl Poetry

PO* Some features of Perl were designed so I could write Perl Poetry
PO++++ I wrote Coy or I am Kevin Meltzer
PO+++ I have been a judge in a Perl Poetry (or Haiku) contest
PO++ I have won a Perl Poetry (or Haiku) contest
PO+ I have participated in a Perl Poetry or Perl Haiku contest
PO I have posted Perl Poetry on PerlMonks, c.l.p.m or on my website
PO- I don't write Perl Poetry but I like reading it or I use Coy.pm occasionnally
PO-- Some people have _way_ too much time on their hands
PO! Do I look like I would enjoy poetry?

Typically Perl

Typically Perl


copyright © 2001 Michel Rodriguez