XML, the Perl Way

Processing XML with Perl Michel Rodriguez

Filtering vs Extracting


XML transformation Modules

Name Model Description
XML::DOMtreeimplements W3C's Document Object Model, robust and widespread
XML::DTmixedomnimark-like features, mature
XML::EasyOBJtreebased on XML::DOM, recent
XML::Filter::Hekelnstreama filter with a attribute-oriented syntax, alpha
XML::Grovetreeuses visitors to walk the document, mature
XML::Nodestreamsimplifies the stream interface to XML::Parser, recent
XML::Parserstreamthe base of all XML transformation modules, includes a tree mode
XML::PatAct::*variousa series of modules for associating patterns with action
also a template to create new PatAct module
XML::PYXstreamthe pyx, pyxv and pyxw tools are the real interesting part, mature
XML::RAXrecordtreats an XML document as a table, recent (but simple)
XML::Simpletreesimple tree interface to XML files, widely used, mature
XML::Twigmixedcan build trees for just parts of an XML document

In addition other modules, such as XML::XQL and XML::XPath can be used for XML transformation.

Filtering vs Extracting
